"Aphrodite" 2022, digital collage, found images

"lol bye white guy" 2022, found images from National Geographic and The Responsive Eye

"Venus" 2022, digital collage, found images & "embrace" sculpture by Heidi Grace Acuña

"Not a love story" 2022, 'Adam and Eve' by Albrecht Durer, 1504, paired with edited opening narration from 2009 film '500 Days of Summer'

"Deforestation" 2022, found images from National Geographic and The Responsive Eye

"displaced" 2022, found image & black and white postcard of 'An elderly Hawaiian man sitting in front of a straw-structure' c. 1918-1930 from UHM Library Digital Image Collections

"omnipotent" 2022, 'Ram’s Head, White Hollyhock –Hills' by Georgia O'Keeffe and found text 'Playing With the Boys' by Erica Jong

"imposter?" 2022, digital photo with lens attachment and original words

"Buddha's Hand" 2022, digital collage using found images